How can you directly get the money from the Physical Therapy Billing Company?

People have different questions in their minds related to online medical billing. Further, when you come over deciding whether you should outsource your physical therapy billing or not, that’s going to be trickier for you. Who doesn’t love to hold more money in their pockets? But, when it comes to Fast Medical and Billing services, let me tell you that we feel happier when the money transfers to your bank account.

First of all, remember that it’s your money, not ours.

At Fast medical and billing services, we have a full-fledged and skilled team who takes money and cash flow very seriously. Know that the insurance payers would always be sending the money directly into your bank account. It might come in the form of an EFT directly into your bank account, or it might take the form of a physical check or might come to you by the postal service. The main thing is the money will be yours.

Secondly, you can decipher the EFT deposits.

What we will receive in terms of digital information is about your payments via our system as well as the clearinghouse. It makes us post the entire payment to the accurate patient’s account. We will need the OB and its copy of the check scanned to us if you receive it by the U.S. Post office. Thus, it would be easy for us to post it to an accurate account.

Next, we campaigner it for you, so you will get paid.

The money would be directly going to you, and we will touch none of it. The exception includes the patient’s account directly going to the collections and making them to the collection agency. So, in that case, they will only collect the funds. But, we will take the money and reimburse you the money that they would collect on your behalf. In reality, you are the owner of all the money. For sure, at the pace and directly, we will make the cash flow as quickly as possible. We will eliminate the entire turnaround issues with depositing the funds and sending them directly to your account. 

Hopefully, we were capable of shedding some light on the whole process. Let us know if you have any more doubts about online medical billing practices. Make a better focus on your patients while removing the wholesome cumbersome process.

At Fast Medical and Billing services, we provide the experienced and best medical service in the entire Midwest. You can cross-check with our specialties that include hospitals as well as a comprehensive provider network. Our online medical billing services include the billing services that have the specificity with the following:


Plastic Surgery



Physical Therapy Billing Software

Internal Medicines and many others.

Feel free to reach for any concerns related to outsourcing physical therapy billing.
